Studying in America and Canada  
7.2 Arrival at the Port of Entry

After checking in at the airport for your journey to America or Canada, hopefully your travel will be uneventful. It is a long journey, susceptible to unexpected delays. And then, you will arrive at your port of entry.

On the way, you will be handed some forms by flight attendants that you are expected to fill out for the Immigration and Customs officials. Fill them out carefully and truthfully.

Upon departing the pane, you will collect your checked-in luggage before or after the Immigration check, depending on the airport. Follow the crowd and you will do well.

7.2.1 Facing the Immigration Officials

Immigration officials at the port of entry determine whether or not you will be allowed into the country. All the effort you put in to obtaining the international student visa is necessary but not sufficient to enter the country. Your case is subject to review and examination, yet one more time.

You will be questioned again, as to the purpose of your entry and availability of adequate financing. Be forthright and honest. Do remember carefully the purpose of your entry: You wish to enter the country for education and you will return to your home country upon graduation. Any deviation from this purpose and you will be turned back. Do not forget the "visa game" outlines in Section 6.2.

Be prepared to present all the necessary documentation, upon request.

Only when the immigration officials at the port of entry stamp appropriate documents do you have a valid student visa that allows you to live in the country legally. If you are entering Canada on research assistantship, your work visa will also be validated by the Immigrations officials at the port of entry, allowing you to work as a research assistant at your college.

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