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Medicine and Healthcare > Mental Health >
iMahal choice:

  • Guide to Mental Health - Covers mental disorders and mental illness, including causes of anxiety disorders and solutions.
  • Internet Mental Health - encyclopedia describing mental illnesses, treatment, medications and research.

iMahal suggests:

  1. Mental Health - with original feature articles on mental health issues.
  2. Behavior OnLine - gathering place for mental health and applied behavioral science professionals.
  3. Behavioral Health Online - interactive community for the behavioral health industry, with services for professionals and non-professionals.
  4. Clinical Psychology Resources - for clinical and abnormal psychology. Covers disorders, behavioral medicine, psychotherapy, assessment, departments, organizations, journals and more.
  5. CyberCouch, The - information and support about mental health and illness.
  6. Interactive Counseling Community - meeting place for professional counselors and the public. Features chat, discussions, event calendar, services, and career resources.
  7. Knowledge Exchange Network - information and resources on prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation services for mental illness.
  8. Mental Health Matters
  9. Mental Health: A Report of the Surgeon General - review of research on mental disorders from U.S. Surgeon General David Satcher, December 1999. Examines things such as treatment, what people go through when seeking care, and the care system.
  10. - general information and current news on mental health issues. Special focus on schizophrenia.
  11. Online Psychological Services - A comprehensive information service for psychological professionals and consumers.
  12. Pope, Ken PhD - abstracts and articles; tables of research data; announcements; and resources for therapists and counselors, including training, ethics, malpractice, sex abuse, psychological science, forensic assessment.
  13. Truth in Any Memory - personal stories by survivors of human cruelty to help aid in the relief of others who are haunted by tragic experiences.
  14. Usenet - alt.society.mental-health
  15. Wounded Healer, The - support and connectivity for psychotherapists and other survivors of trauma and abuse. Chat room, bulletin board, professional networking and hundreds of links to relevant information.

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