Dear Mentor:

Where can I get admission without any tests?

I am in interested in undergraduate program, BBA, in America. I am financially sound. I am interested in universities that give admission without any TOFEL, GMAT or such type of tests. Also give the email addresses. Thank you so much. Please reply me as soon as u can.

Admission without Test, Pakistan

Dear Admission without Test:

For all undergraduate international students, TOEFL or a similar exam is a requirement. This requirement is not a trivial requirement; it is required to ascertain basic knowledge of the English language so the University can feel confident that the student can learn effectively in the English-speaking classrooms. No reputable school would waive this requirement. Similarly, most schools would require the SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test) as a standardized entrance exam. You may be able to find some fly-by-night, money-making machines that waive this requirement, but we at iMahal do not recommend such schools to our audience.

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