Dear Mentor:

What are the top 20 medical schools in India?

Do you possibly have a list of medical colleges/universities that ranks them according to the program offers? We would like to have a list of Top 20 Medical Colleges Universities in India which are good in offering: bachelor degree program and post graduate/masters degree. Would really appreciate if you can provide us the information. Looking forward to your favourable reply very soon.

Ranking Med Schools, Singapore

Dear Ranking Med Schools:

iMahal is a portal specializing in Education and Careers; that is, we offer information and advice on education and careers. We do not, as a matter of practice and policy, rank colleges/universities, nor do we recommend any institution or service.

As you may know, various independent sources rank colleges in different countries. This practice, however, is not all that common in India. Thus the information you are seeking for India is rather scarce. We refer you to the iMahal section on Rankings for Medical Schools in India.

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