Dear Mentor:

Where are MBA correspondence courses in India?

Let me congratulate all involved in developing such a wonderful site! I'm a person working abroad, and visit India once in every 3 months. Would like to know about the MBA programmes through distance learning (correspondence course) from Indian Universities. If you could let me know the probable time of exams (month conducted usually), I would be grateful to you.

Distance MBA, Somewhere

Dear Distance MBA:

Thanks for your compliments; we appreciate the feedback. At iMahal we are always striving to offer more and better services, such as our recently launched Write Guru, a free online workbook for improving your writing.

We have not come across any correspondence MBA degree program whose reputation would allow us to recommend it to others. Even when these programs are not "money making machines," they simply do not offer the quality and depth necessary to impress employers. These programs, no matter how good, are not a substitute for regular degree programs.

Some very narrow, targeted and short-duration correspondence courses may be of value to you, depending on your needs at a certain time in your career. But they should be taken as quick remedial effort for a very narrow and well-defined deficiency only.

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