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Will online submissions help me to apply in time?
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I wish to inquire about the online application procedure, with respect to recommendation letters and transcripts and other certificate details. Since my GRE [Graduate Record Exam] date is two days from the university deadline, how can I manage?

Meeting the Deadline, Coimbatore, India

Dear Meeting the Deadline:

The online application process is the US is restricted to what can be submitted online. You are still expected to send your official transcripts, letters of recommendations, and copies of certificates, by post. Some colleges require that you collect all the documents yourself and send them all together in one step. However, most colleges offer the flexibility of having the recommenders post the letters of recommendation, and your academic institution(s) post the official transcript(s), directly to your prospective college.

We frankly do not understand your last question. The final deadline for submitting completed applications in the US is not until at least March 2002, and perhaps as late as May 2002, depending on the college. There is plenty of time to take the GRE and meet the deadline for applying. You can even submit your application ahead of taking the GRE. If you take the computer-based GRE, the score is transmitted to the colleges of your choice immediately.

Some colleges follow what is called the rolling admissions process. Under this scheme, colleges evaluate the applications on an on-going basis. Some colleges set up intermediate deadlines, which simply means that the college would inform you of its decision by a certain date.

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