Write Guru

Words Mississippi

Suggest improvements for the highlighted problem area:

Ms. Manthey happyly reported the results of the quiz to the class. On question number two they were alright. Every student had correctly picked Osceola as the town that had once been on the banks of the Mississippi. On question number five, however, there was disagreement between the students. They discussed the answer for awhile. Less than five students knew that the Mississippi carried sediment at a rate of 30 tons per second. A larger amount of them thought that it was less. On the essay question, one student, Quanah, described the river as plaiful because it meanders back and forth below the confluence of the Ohio River.


- Between versus Among -

A common error is found in the middle of our opening paragraph:

    On question number five, however, there was disagreement between the students.

The word between should be used when we are discussing only two persons or things. When we are referring to three or more, we should use the word among:

    On question number five, however, there was disagreement among the students.

To help remember the difference between these words, try making up a mnemonic, such as:

    Just between you and me,
      I'm among my friends in the sea.


Write Guru


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