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Travel and Tourism > Shopping > Canada > Sporting Goods >
iMahal choice:

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iMahal suggests:

  1. Bailey's Cycle Sea & Ski - equipment for skiing, mountainbiking, in-line skating, canoeing, sailing and more with numerous links and graphics.
  2. Cheapskates Quality Sporting Goods - snowboards and accessories, bikes, skateboards, clothes, shoes, and more.
  3. Comor Sports - products include skis, snowboards, inline skates, casual footwear, and clothing.
  4. Cycos
  5. Play It Again Sports Montreal - specializing in new and used sports equipment for hockey, ski, snowboarding and more.
  6. Progress Sports - manufacturers of protective sporting goods.
  7. Source for Sports - with locations throughout Canada.
  8. Sparlings Sporting Goods - offers ice hockey equipment and clothing, as well as other sports apparel and accessories.
  9. Sport Mart Direct - offers footwear, clothing, equipment, accessories, and more. Also offers company information, store locations, and order tracking.
  10. Sport Swap - hockey and sports gear retailer with on-line shopping for new and used equipment.
  11. Sportable - continuing our commitment to our customers, locally and worldwide.
  12. Sports Excellence - follow Exel's advice about all your favorites sports. With listings of Sports Excellence and Propac stores throughout Canada.
  13. Tommy & Lefebvre - sporting goods retailer with locations in Quebec and Ontario. Merchandise includes skis, snowboards, bikes, in-lines, and golf equipment.

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